Monday, October 24, 2011

Get Your SHIELD ready for BATTLE!

One of the biggest enemies to my own weight loss has been myself. I have found all along the journey times where I would kill my own goals and desires. Here are some of the times when I fought myself the most:

1) When I felt loneliness
2) When I worked really hard and saw no results during a week
3) When my mind would go back to something cruel said to me about my weight
4) When it was easier to focus on helping someone else instead of myself
5) When it was too painful to work on the reasons WHY I had become a 268lb woman

There are days when I look in the mirror expecting to see that "other" woman. There are days when losing 106lbs is still not enough. How do you combat these days of self hate?

1) My accountability partner...he listens to me gripe and about my feelings, but Rob Hatch never indulges me when I am having a "pity party". He just offers encouragement and a new perspective. EVERYONE NEEDS ACCOUNTABILITY!!!
2) Have patience! I didn't put weight on overnight, and it will not come off overnight! There is still life to cannot stay so focused on losing weight that it steals your everyday joy
3) Be honest with yourself. Will I ever look perfect? NO! But do I love the girl in the mirror now? Absolutely...because she set a goal and went for it.
4) It is always easier to help someone else than to help yourself. You MUST guard your workout times!!! It is not selfishness! It is your LIFE and HEALTH!
5) There are some very specific issues that lead to being obese. I have had to dig into my heart and my past to figure out why I let myself get to that point. It is not easy.

This is an everyday battle! A battle for my life is going on every hour! But let me tell is SOOOOOO worth the fight! I feel better than I ever have in my life! Now, I get to share this journey with others and try to help them! No regrets...just loving my new life!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work! I use to write a little when my class was going strong. Your blog brings back memories and makes me want to start mine back again. See, you just never know how you will inspire others! Congratulations on your Journey. Remember that it's all about the JOURNEY, not the destination!
