Thursday, October 13, 2011

WOW! Last post was November???

I cannot believe my last post was in November! So many things have happened in my life since then! I am going to start blogging about my weightloss journey. My hope is that it will inspire those who haven't chosen to join the journey OR help those struggling with weightloss.

So what led me to choose to try it ONE MORE TIME?

I was sick of being fat. I was tired of having to choose between breathing or bending over because they couldn't happen at the same time. I was tired of being tired all the time. I was dying on the inside because I knew I was not the same person on the outside as I was on the inside. I was withdrawn and lonely. I knew I needed to do something. The shots and pills just weren't going to do it alone.

I had Rob's number for weeks, but just never wanted to call. I was afraid of what he would think when he saw a 270lb woman walk through the door...would he be thinking, "Yeah right!" But with some encouragement from Tim, I called and set up an appointment. The first day, he stood me in front of the mirror and said, "You aren't made to carry around all this weight. Look at yourself..." I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. I hated myself for scarring my body up with food and emotional eating. I hated myself for putting myself last for 13 years and just packing on the weight. I CHOSE to do that to myself.

Listen to me a woman who has lost 104lbs....there is NOTHING wrong with making time to workout! In fact, you have to do it...for your children, for your family, and most of all for yourself! Too many people make excuses for why they can't or won't workout. There are NO excuses! NONE...don't carry around that shell for another have to peel that shell of fat off from your body. You will NEVER regret it...

I promise to blog at least ONCE a week about my weightloss...hopefully you can take something away that will inspire you...

1 comment:

  1. Rhonda, I am so excited to begin working with you. xoxo Amanda
